Company Profile
Established: 2000
SUG - Safety, Environment and Health Member of the National Association for the Building Trades QMS ISO 9001/2008 in the works.
Managing Director: Ana Strutz
Qualifications: Professional hostess for building management
Activity Region: Baden - Württemberg
- Industrial and production areas
- Container plants and warehouses in refinery
- Downtime / turnaround in refinery MiRO
- Residential - and commercial objects
- Office and administration buildings
- Glas - und Fassadenreinigung
- Glass and facade cleaning
- Care and maintenance of parks
- Underground
Primary service objectives:
- Customer satisfaction
- Flexibility
- Reliability
- Continuous improvement
Value for our customers:
- Long-term value of your property and the inventory
- Significant improvement of the visual appearance of your property
- Maintenance of the required hygiene and cleanliness
- Comprehensive individual counseling
MiRO - Petroleum Refinery Upper Rhine GmbH & Co. KG; container facilities of the partner companies in the plant / production companies / shops / housing associations / owner companies / contractors of all types / practices / law firms / Business Objects.
- Book ICS Environment Service
- Arnholdt Service (Bilfinger & Berger Group)
- Turnaround (Bilfinger & Berger Group)
- BHR / EHR Essen hypertension (Bilfinger & Berger Group)
- R & M Reinholdt and Mahler
- Böhling Pipeline
- Bold Construction
- KAM turbines Munich
- Siemens
- JCH Christof Group Plant
- Jülch Industrie service
- MAN Turbo/ DWE (Deggendorfer Werft)
- WWV Karlsruhe (Wärmeverwertung KA)
- WWV Burghausen
- WWV Maintal
- Voith Industrial Services GmbH Ermo
- Veolia Environmental Services
- Beetle Insulation
- Thyssen Krupp Services
- Thyssen Krupp Xervon Energy
- T.I.M.E. Service
- Kosik Industriemontagen
- Stadler & Schaaf Measurement & Control Technology
- DKK Measurement & Control Technology
- Peter Rohm GmbH / Greulich
- Rohrer Environmental Services
- KSB Armaturen Service
- OSWA construction
- LAB plant
- SAS Steel
- B & B Hotels
- From Goldbeck Construction
- District Cooperative
- Bietigheimer Housing
- Law Office Carsten Klaper & colleagues
- Internal medicine practice, Dr. Merz u.v.m.